I’ve been fortunate and blessed to be able to interview some really smart people in my years as a talk host. I’ve interviewed Loral Langemeier, (before she was featured on “The Secret”) when she was promoting her book The Millionaire Maker,Andy Andrews and most recently Karl Moore, who will be making an appearance in “The Meta Secret” movie. They are a few of the more prolific people on my guest list. There are also a handful guests that contribute to the show regularly, including DJ Vanas, Ja-Nae Duane and Kim Kasparian. What do these people all have in common? They all understand success, and how to “attract” it.
The Law of Attraction has been a hot topic the last couple of years, especially since the movie “The Secret” came out. If you haven’t seen “The Secret”, briefly it is about attracting what you desire into your life, through your pattern of thoughts; The more we focus, or think on an end result, the more likely it is to manifest. But it is not just through thought alone that our desires can be manifest in a tangible result. Action is also necessary. As we focus on specific outcomes, opportunites will present themselves and it is what we do with those opportunities that will determine the outcome. We have to act and follow through with the opportunites we have attracted in our lives. When the door opens, we must walk through it, whether we know what is inside or not.
Maybe in the recesses of your memory, you recall a desire you had to be a [insert your dream job]. But when you had the dream of being a [insert your dream position], your life was going through changes: Maybe starting college, starting a family or a new job. While you had a strong impulse to drop everything and “run away with the circus”, your rational mind took over and told you “people like you don’t get those kinds of jobs”, “people like you don’t get big breaks”, “people like you don’t …” blah blah blah. So, you didn’t take that leap of Faith necessary to jump start the process. That’s okay! Many of us have experienced similar stories; it is a familiar one. But have you noticed that what seemed to be sheer coincidence, one day out of the blue something happened to remind you of that dream; and another opportunity presented itself for you to “run away with the circus”, to take that leap of blind Faith to show your commitment to the process of making your dream a reality? Maybe you once longed to be an actor, and now someone from the organizing committee for the Church play has asked if you would like to play the lead role. It’s no coincidence that these types of things happen. They are doors opening. They are opportunities presenting themselves for you to pursue that dream you had. But it is still up to you to take the action necessary to get the ball rolling.
What the leaders in personal development tell us to do is to be clear about what we want. To set an intention in motion you have to have a clear picture of what you want the final outcome to be; as Steven Covey author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People puts it: “Begin with the end in mind.” Karl Moore tells us “Intention sets direction”. There are many people throughout History that have given us golden nuggets to live by. Even the Bible has been clear about intention: Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.” And Luke 11:9 tell us “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
When we are not abosultely clear, we can be headed in the right direction, yet not arrive at the destination we intended. If you take out a map, it’s easy to figure out it is 2778 miles from New York City to Los Angeles. But if you depart from New York City and drive 2778 miles west, you may not end up in Los Angeles. You have to have a clear intention of the direction you want to take, which highways and exits to take. You need to know of any road construction and what detours there will be. You may also check what the weather will be like and if it will cause any delays in your journey. There is also the aspect of how much gas it will take, how big your tank is and how often you will need to stop to refuel, eat and rest. There is a lot of planning that goes into a trip across the Country. Why should we treat our lives any different?
What I intend to do with the Profit Margin segment of the Charlie Profit Report, is to provide you information you can use to map your journey. Let me know what you need help with and I’ll do my best to provide answers and resources.
Thanks for joining me on my journey. It truly is an adventure!