If you think Romney is the opposite of Obama just because he is a Republican, here is ample evidence that he shares the exact same ideology as Obama! Click the title to read through more of the issues they share.
- The following are 40 ways that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are essentially the same candidate….
- 1. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported TARP.
- 2. Mitt Romney supported Barack Obama’s “economic stimulus” packages.
- 3. Mitt Romney says that Barack Obama’s bailout of the auto industry was actually his idea .
- 4. Neither candidate supports immediately balancing the federal budget .
- 5. They both believe in big government and they both have a track record of being big spenders while in office.
- 6. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both fully support the Federal Reserve.
- 7. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are both on record as saying that the president should not question the “independence” of the Federal Reserve.
- 8. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have both said that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke did a good job during the last financial crisis.
- 9. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both felt that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke deserved to be renominated to a second term.
- 14. Wall Street absolutely showers both candidates with campaign contributions
- 19. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the NDAA.
- 20. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both supported the renewal of the Patriot Act.
- 21. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both believe that the federal government should be able to indefinitely detain American citizens that are considered to be terrorists.
- 26. They both accuse each other of shipping jobs out of the country and both of them are right.
- 28. Neither candidate has any military experience. This is the first time that this has happened in a U.S. election since 1944 .
- 31. Mitt Romney has said that he will support a “cap and trade” carbon tax scheme (like the one Barack Obama wants) as longas the entire globe goes along with it .
- 33. Both candidates have been pro-abortion most of their careers. Mitt Romney’s “conversion” to the pro-life cause has been questioned by many. In fact, Mitt Romney has made millions on Bain Capital’s investment in a company called “Stericycle” that incinerates aborted babies collected from family planning clinics.
- 36. Both candidates have a history of nominating extremely liberal judges .
- 37. Like Barack Obama, Mitt Romney also plans to add “signing statements ” to bills when he signs them into law.
- 38. They both have a horrible record when it comes to job creation .
- 39. Both candidates believe that the president has the power to take the country to war without getting the approval of the U.S. Congress .
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