Trump Fans turn Michael Moore quote into political ad | Adland ®
Haven’t seen the video yet but Trump is the master of marketing.
The 1 Skill All Successful People Possess | Inc.com
There is great wisdom ehere for people looking to be successful.
Google’s former happiness guru developed a three-second brain exercise for finding joy — Quartz
and the more you notice joy, the more you will experience joy, Tan argues. “Thin slices of joy occur in life everywhere… and once you start noticing it, something happens, you find it’s always there. Joy becomes something you can count on.” That’s because you’re familiarizing the mind with joy, he explains.
Giving Statistics : Charity Navigator
Charitable giving has grown faster the nation GDP. What does that say about Americans? We like helping others.
Comparing GDP growth and change in charitable giving over 2010-2015, the average increase in giving to charitable causes (3.6%) is greater than the growth of GDP (2%).
Statistics on U.S. Generosity | The Almanac of American Philanthropy | The Philanthropy Roundtable
More information on the generosity of successful Americans.
Charitable Giving Statistics | NPTrust
People think the Government is the only way the impoverished or the less fortunate can get help. These statistics are incredible and it is a wonder that we still have so many struggling. Why is that the case? Simple… bureaucracy. Too much Government.
How to get the best, affordable health care – MarketWatch
Good info to know!
Evan McMullin — the last best hope for the Never Clinton and Never Trump masses – LA Times
Great article about a new comer and the electoral process.
What I am reading (weekly)