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CPR-MJSantos-October-9-2009.mp3 (13169 KB)
Wow! What can I say? I had the chance to speak with the Chairman/CEO of MJS Global Group, MJ Santos and she is one incredible person; highly articulate and very charismatic. Not to mention, she is a Cigar Aficionado! I was fortunate enough to catch one of her Tweets (on Twitter) regarding the Nobel fiasco, and contacted her right away. She was gracious enough to agree to come on the show with extremely short notice. We discussed Obama’s winning of the Nobel Peace Prize, the fact that Obama has done nothing to have deserved it, and the fact that one of the most peace seeking individuals in history, Mahatma Ghandi was never awarded the prize despite all the sacrifices he made to bring peace to the world. She made the point that Obama now has added pressure to do what he has said he wants to do with nuclear disarmament, and if he doesn’t succeed he will do more harm than just let people down. The world is watching. I’d have to say my bets are against him. He is too duplicitous and the other world leaders are quite aware of that. Needless to say, it was a fun conversation. Here you can play the podcast or download it to your favorite .mp3 player. If you are interested in a small fee based commercial/psa free edition of these podcasts, let me know.