Does anyone worry that Mormons will vote for
Mitt Romney JUST BECAUSE he is a Mormon? I do, because it is exactly like how people voted for Obama just because he is black. They wanted to show they were not racist without regard to his history or his record or his policies. Now we are in the same predicament with Mormons and Romney. They want to vote for him because he is a Mormon. They
think he represents them. They
want him to represent them. They are not considering his history, his record or his policies! They will vote for him
just because he is a Mormon!
Harry Reid,the Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate is also a Mormon. As a Mormon, would you blindly vote for Reid? As a Conservative Mormon, not likely! So, why blindly vote for Romney, just because he is a Republican? Romney will not change much that Obama has done! He has the same financial backers as Obama! He will answer to them the same way Obama has, with political favors and giving them a return on their investment in him.
Romney believes the same things that Obama does as is explained by watching this video:
Romney has been inconsistent in his policies as explained in this video:
Romney is as much a puppet as Obama is, if not worse because it seems he has flip flopped more than Obama has. He tells the group who he is talking to what they want to hear.
If you are a Mormon, please educate yourself on just WHO Mitt Romney is. Yes, he is a businessman with executive leadership (something dearly needed in the White House today), Yes he is a charitable man, having given over 4 million dollars in charity in 2011. Yes he is running against Obama, the worst President we have ever had. BUT, Romney is NOT the only candidate nor is he the BEST candidate to run this Country!
Gary Johnson, a former Republican and now the Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, is also a successful business man:
A successful businessman before running for office in 1994, Gov. Johnson started a door-to-door handyman business to help pay his way through college. Twenty years later, he had grown the firm into one of the largest construction companies in New Mexico with over 1,000 employees. Not surprisingly, Governor Johnson brings a distinctly business-like mentality to governing, believing that decisions should be made based on cost-benefit analysis rather than strict ideology.
He also has an outstanding governing record; better than Romney’s:
Johnson is best known for his veto record, which includes over 750 vetoes during his time in office, more than all other governors combined and his use of the veto pen has since earned him the nickname “Governor Veto.” He cut taxes 14 times while never raising them. When he left office, New Mexico was one of only four states in the country with a balanced budget.
Which candidate should you vote for? The one who will fix our economy, and not pander to his big business donors! The one who led his state with a balanced budget for 8 years. The one that kept his state government small. The one who believes national security means secure borders, not nation building, occupation and interventions! The one who values Liberty and Freedom and the Constitution above all else, not just when it is convenient! That man is Gary Johnson.
Want to know whose policies you side with most? Try this quiz:
Who do you think will make the better President for the next 4 years?
In any group a person is most likely to align themselves with someone they can identify with. While you are probably right about MANY mormons, it is not as much of an issue as there are only 6 million LDS in the US, many of them not of voting age. Compare that to the 42 million black people in the US and its a much smaller scale.
Another interesting facet of LDS beliefs is the admonition to “study it out in your heart and your mind”… For those not familiar with this, the idea is that we are taught from a young age to decide for ourselves if we believe the things we are being taught, rather than to follow groupthink blindly. This is important for a faith that asks so much of its members, as passive belief is not often enough to live the LDS lifestyle.
How does this relate to your theory? It shows me that culturally, LDS are primed to question and decide for themselves rather than vote strictly on religious lines.
Again, its not to say that some wont… when we are too lazy, or busy to study… then we will rely on association to make assumptions about how someone will behave in ways we understand and identify with.
The next reason to vote for Romney is that TRULY a vote for anyone else at this time is a wasted vote. While I wish sorely that this was not the case, until we have managed to set the stage a bit better for another candidate, there is no mathematical chance of him winning, and I am quite sure Gary is not stealing many Obama votes.
I also disagree with the idea that “he’s not much different than Obama”. That’s disingenuous and you know it. You say he’s the same and then list some key ways he IS different. Business experience… Charity minded… Not much different?
Lets be honest. I understand the point you are making, but its beneath you to be so close minded about this when so much is at stake.
Use these valid points to help build momentum for future reform of the election system, not to sabotage the legitimate lifeline our country has right now. First things first, lets hit the pause button on this disaster flick we are all watching, and buy some time to make the next move and prepare for the bill thats coming due!
In any group a person is most likely to align themselves with someone they can identify with. While you are probably right about MANY mormons, it is not as much of an issue as there are only 6 million LDS in the US, many of them not of voting age. Compare that to the 42 million black people in the US and its a much smaller scale.
Another interesting facet of LDS beliefs is the admonition to “study it out in your heart and your mind”… For those not familiar with this, the idea is that we are taught from a young age to decide for ourselves if we believe the things we are being taught, rather than to follow groupthink blindly. This is important for a faith that asks so much of its members, as passive belief is not often enough to live the LDS lifestyle.
How does this relate to your theory? It shows me that culturally, LDS are primed to question and decide for themselves rather than vote strictly on religious lines.
Again, its not to say that some wont… when we are too lazy, or busy to study… then we will rely on association to make assumptions about how someone will behave in ways we understand and identify with.
The next reason to vote for Romney is that TRULY a vote for anyone else at this time is a wasted vote. While I wish sorely that this was not the case, until we have managed to set the stage a bit better for another candidate, there is no mathematical chance of him winning, and I am quite sure Gary is not stealing many Obama votes.
I also disagree with the idea that “he’s not much different than Obama”. That’s disingenuous and you know it. You say he’s the same and then list some key ways he IS different. Business experience… Charity minded… Not much different?
Lets be honest. I understand the point you are making, but its beneath you to be so close minded about this when so much is at stake.
Use these valid points to help build momentum for future reform of the election system, not to sabotage the legitimate lifeline our country has right now. First things first, lets hit the pause button on this disaster flick we are all watching, and buy some time to make the next move and prepare for the bill thats coming due!
If people will only vote with those they identify with, our Country has no future. Personally, I do not feel I identify with Gary Johnson because he believes in first trimester abortions and I don’t. But I do feel I identify with Mitt Romney that belief in God is essential. I will be voting for Gary Johnson however because, in my opinion, he was a better businessman and a better Governor. Romney’s business experience has only been in dismantling companies to make a profit, not creating jobs! He’s made money and I don’t begrudge him that, but I do think he had a responsibility to the family’s livelihoods that he took away when people lost their jobs so he could make money. Johnson had a balanced budget for both terms.
Johnson actually does have a mathematical chance of winning. He will be on 48 state ballots, maybe all 50. THAT is the mathematical part. However, it is not LIKELY he will win. His chances are quite slim because the pollsters do not include him. His chances are quite slim because the MSM will not give him equal airtime in the news funnel. His chances are quite slim because the Commission on Presidential Debates wouldn’t include him. His chances are quite slim because most conservatives say “his chances are quite slim”. However if all those people actually voted for him, he would win. That is a mathematical fact.
There is no such thing as a wasted vote. That is like telling someone their opinion doesn’t matter. It is THAT attitude exactly why people will either follow like sheep (because they don’t want to be different and be condemned by others for thinking different) or they just won’t vote.
As for questioning and deciding for oneself, let me give you an example of my upbringing. I was raised Baptist. The pastor of the Church I went to as a teenager once said, essentially that, Mormons are morons. He said “the morons believe, I mean the Mormons believe…”. The congregation laughed. Most if not all, blindly accepted this assertion from the Pastor of a Baptist Church. I left the Church because those actions, as a bad living example from my Pastor went against my core beliefs, namely to love others. Have you ever questioned anything your Church has taught you? Probably not because you feel you have never had reason to. But while the members are certainly encouraged to question, not many do. Who wants to appear contradictory, or rebellious? And those that do, usually end up leaving because they come to the conclusion it isn’t true.
The differences between Romney and Obama are less important than the similarities. They both like the NDAA, the Patriot Act, Rombamacare, the FED, war, and the list goes on…they are also both backed by BIG CORPORATIONS, so they are in pocket ready to serve their donors. Their personal charity will not make a difference in running the Country.
I will not be a sheep and vote blindly. I have sincerely prayed about this and the message is clear: The Republican Party and The Democratic Party are two sides of the same coin. How many Mormons will be voting for Obama, how many for a third party and how many for Romney? When it was McCain in 08, what was the breakdown? Much different than this year, I am certain.
Gary Johnson isn’t “stealing” votes, because people are voting their conscience. Freedom to vote for who WE want is how OUR system works. Stealing votes is how dictatorships work. But, Mitt Romney will win anyway. He was seen at the Builderberg meeting recently and that is telling of what will happen in December when the electoral college casts the actual votes that “elect”, or more accurately, seat the next President.
Thanks for commenting. Live Free!
If people will only vote with those they identify with, our Country has no future. Personally, I do not feel I identify with Gary Johnson because he believes in first trimester abortions and I don’t. But I do feel I identify with Mitt Romney that belief in God is essential. I will be voting for Gary Johnson however because, in my opinion, he was a better businessman and a better Governor. Romney’s business experience has only been in dismantling companies to make a profit, not creating jobs! He’s made money and I don’t begrudge him that, but I do think he had a responsibility to the family’s livelihoods that he took away when people lost their jobs so he could make money. Johnson had a balanced budget for both terms.
Johnson actually does have a mathematical chance of winning. He will be on 48 state ballots, maybe all 50. THAT is the mathematical part. However, it is not LIKELY he will win. His chances are quite slim because the pollsters do not include him. His chances are quite slim because the MSM will not give him equal airtime in the news funnel. His chances are quite slim because the Commission on Presidential Debates wouldn’t include him. His chances are quite slim because most conservatives say “his chances are quite slim”. However if all those people actually voted for him, he would win. That is a mathematical fact.
There is no such thing as a wasted vote. That is like telling someone their opinion doesn’t matter. It is THAT attitude exactly why people will either follow like sheep (because they don’t want to be different and be condemned by others for thinking different) or they just won’t vote.
As for questioning and deciding for oneself, let me give you an example of my upbringing. I was raised Baptist. The pastor of the Church I went to as a teenager once said, essentially that, Mormons are morons. He said “the morons believe, I mean the Mormons believe…”. The congregation laughed. Most if not all, blindly accepted this assertion from the Pastor of a Baptist Church. I left the Church because those actions, as a bad living example from my Pastor went against my core beliefs, namely to love others. Have you ever questioned anything your Church has taught you? Probably not because you feel you have never had reason to. But while the members are certainly encouraged to question, not many do. Who wants to appear contradictory, or rebellious? And those that do, usually end up leaving because they come to the conclusion it isn’t true.
The differences between Romney and Obama are less important than the similarities. They both like the NDAA, the Patriot Act, Rombamacare, the FED, war, and the list goes on…they are also both backed by BIG CORPORATIONS, so they are in pocket ready to serve their donors. Their personal charity will not make a difference in running the Country.
I will not be a sheep and vote blindly. I have sincerely prayed about this and the message is clear: The Republican Party and The Democratic Party are two sides of the same coin. How many Mormons will be voting for Obama, how many for a third party and how many for Romney? When it was McCain in 08, what was the breakdown? Much different than this year, I am certain.
Gary Johnson isn’t “stealing” votes, because people are voting their conscience. Freedom to vote for who WE want is how OUR system works. Stealing votes is how dictatorships work. But, Mitt Romney will win anyway. He was seen at the Builderberg meeting recently and that is telling of what will happen in December when the electoral college casts the actual votes that “elect”, or more accurately, seat the next President.
Thanks for commenting. Live Free!