It’s almost vacation time for us. Well, it’s part vacation and part family event. We are headed West to Reno, Nevada. While traveling I will be doing some video updates and taking some pix to share. We’re making a bee line there, but when we head back we will stop and see the sights and smell the roses. I’ve made the trip West and back several times over the years, but I’m really looking forward this trip back as I will see parts of the Country I haven’t seen before. Plus, it’s been 10 years since I’ve actually made the cross-Country trip!
Summer so far also has been fun and eventful for us. We had our fifth child in May, a boy that was just one ounce shy of 10 pounds! Our oldest son has been playing baseball, and our middle son started T-Ball this year, of which I was also a coach. Our two daughters have been great cheerleaders through all of it, with our oldest daughter doing an outstanding job of helping with the little ones when necessary.
Living in Montreal has it’s benefits too. There is always something to do. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to take full advantage of that just yet, but something fun the whole family loves are the weekly Fireworks Competitions. Each week a different Country puts on a spectacular show, lighting up the sky with awesome colors and designs, not to mention the big kabooms that go along with it! We’ve only made it to a couple shows as they have a late start at 10 p.m. Last Saturday the United States put on a great show, even though it rained for a few minutes right in the middle of the performance. I took some pix with my digital camera, but I don’t think I am able to give what we saw justice. However, here’s a few for you to see what the hubub is all about.
Stay tuned as I will post some Vlogs while we traverse the Country. By the way, if there are places you’ve been or things you’ve seen that you think we should make a point to visit, please reply and let me know, even the obvious ones like the Grand Canyon and Niagra Falls! If you’ve been and want to recommend it, then do!
In the mean time, enjoy the pix.
#Summer #Vacation #Birth #Montreal #Fireworks
Posted via email from Charlie Profit Report